Daily habits to rejuvenate your Gut and feel energised.

Our Gut is like a garden which, when tended to, flourishes with a world of friendly bacteria, that help us to digest, absorb nutrients, stimulates a strong gut lining and acts as a gatekeeper to toxins and unfriendly organisms.
If our gut health is compromised it leads to low energy, feeling of exhaustion, body aches & pains, lower immunity, brain fog or low level of concentration leading you to control your day through stimulants like sugar and coffee.
You can reclaim your energy and feel happier and healthier by incorporating what I call "A Gut-Friendly Lifestyle!"

Eat Right: Food is information, gut is the gateway to the rest of our body and you are in control of that gateway.
Eliminate Sugar including sugar substitutes.
Drop the Dairy.
Say Goodbye to Gluten and Gluten-Free packaged and processed foods.
Say No to soy.
Mock the Corn.
Check your sensitivity to eggs.
Avoid legumes or follow the steps to make legumes easier to digest.
Eat Organic (non-GMO), pesticide-free whole foods.
Add healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados.
Eat high fibre, low-glycemic, non-starchy vegetables.
Hypoallergenic proteins (peas, rice, chia seeds, hemp).
Clean and Lean Proteins – pasture raised beef/lamb, free-range chicken, wild-caught cold-water fish, wild game.
Add herbs and spices like fennel, mint, turmeric, ginger which are digestives.
Introduce prebiotic and probiotic food in your daily meals like garlic, artichokes, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables.
Focus on How You Eat: Our eating philosophy not only factors in what we eat, but also how our body digests and assimilates food.
Conscious Eating: eat one meal a day, and savor it in silence, focussing your five senses on the meal… how it looks, how it feels, how it smells, and how it tastes.
Begin with Gratitude, it promotes internal relaxation and stimulates the digestive process.
Portion your plate, ¼ with clean & lean protein & healthy omega 3’s and 3/4th with greens and veggies (raw, steamed or baked).
Use a smaller plate to ensure you fill your stomach to ¾, leaving room for digestion.
Chew your food 'til it’s texture is like a soft pulp in your mouth.
Minimize drinking while you eat to avoid diluting the stomach acid required to digest food.
Drink clean water: Invest in carbon filter, reverse osmosis system or ER/EO water.

Restorative Sleep is the key to Good Gut Health: Follow regular sleep patterns in tune with nature's circadian rhythm. Your gut likes predictability. Don’t throw it off-balance by having inadequate/improper sleep.
Reduce Stress: Even if your diet and exercise are regulated, stress can increase inflammation. The fight and flight response experienced during stress leads to reduced blood flow to our intestines, leading to poor digestion and assimilation of nutrients. So…
Take a walk in the nature.
Listen to therapeutic music.
Do some breath-work: abdominal breathing does wonders to calm the mind.
Go for Massage Therapy.

Introduce yoga as a practice, it helps to connect your mind to your body, quietening it and reducing the tensions and emotions stored in your gut.
Community: Build healthy relationships with your friends and family. Socialize, talk about your problems, enjoy a meal or sport together.
Explore the creative side of you: It is a mood enhancer, and therefore, a plus for the flora of our gut.
Limit your exposure to environmental toxins:
Cook your meals in porcelain-enamelled cast iron or stainless steel.
Avoid cooking in a microwave, but if you must, use only glass containers.
Don’t store food in plastic containers. Instead prioritize glass containers.
Avoid plastic wraps like Saran… good old wax paper is the best alternative.
Use plant-based detergents for dishwashing, avoid triclosan.